Try to fit in. Never start a conversation with “up north” or “back home”. You can try to use this useless information later in the conversation, but not at the beginning. Keep in mind that the only people that care you are from wherever you are form are people from wherever you are from.
If you do decide to share your advice we will listen patiently until we hear the words “up north” or “back home” then eyes will roll. heads will shake and backs will turn. Trust me when I say we’ve heard it before and do not care to hear it again. If you never use those words in quotes we might actually listen until you are done. Does not mean we will heed your advice, but at least we’ll listen.
This also applies to whatever you call something “back home”. A grinder? I don’t think so.
Things do work different in Florida. That does not mean we are stupid or backwards it just means we are different. Sometimes we do things different because of our climate, our population or because of our southern culture. Other times we do things different just because we want to. Refer to fact one. Maybe things could be done differently and maybe that way might be better, but this is how we do things here. Quit trying to change us. We like us the way we are, moles and all.
Learn the rules of the road. I’m not going to tell you how horrible drivers are wherever you are from because there are bad drivers everywhere. Â Just take the time to check out our laws and rules of the road. Seriously.
We have developed a complex system of hand gestures and dialogue to let you know when you are doing it wrong. Â It can be a slow learning curve for some, but we are more than willing to help you along.
Dress appropriately. Getting dressed up means you are wearing shoes with laces. Formal means you are also wearing socks. Shorts are good year round, but only because many long time residents don’t own long pants (that’s why they wear a jacket with shorts). Socks with sandals are fine if the temperature dips to unbearable levels (under 70 for most folks).
Gators are everywhere. If there is a body of fresh water (body meaning anything wet) there are alligators there. Do not feed them. Do not harass them. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone.
Gators do not “infest” our waterways. They live there.